World Emoji Day 2016
By Allie Morgan | @Alliemostew
Who doesn’t love emojis?! Emojis add fun and emotion to your messages. The small little cartoon images have the power to completely change the tone of a message. It’s obvious that emojis are popular; in fact, there is even a whole day that is completely devoted to celebrating emojis worldwide.
On July 17, celebrities, business owners, and every day mobile users got creative and paid tribute to what has become a mainstay in our digital communication. Let’s take a look at how a few out of the billion emoji users around the world celebrated the beloved cartoons.
1. Cheapflights lets users search flights using emojis.
Cheapflights, a flight search and deals website, allowed users to search for flights using emojis instead of text; If traveling wasn’t fun enough already!
“Personalization is the future of travel search, and this is afurther step in that direction, allowing users to communicate with us in a way that they are comfortable. It encourages frictionless dialogue in whichever setting and communication medium they prefer,” said Samantha Otter, Cheapflights marketing director.
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2.) Pizza Hut Creates Emoji Menu
Six Pizza Huts across the UK created a limited edition menu featuring the beloved emojis.
“We have a huge focus on menu innovation and having already launched a brand new menu recently, we hope customers enjoy decrypting emoji versions as we did creating it,” said Kath Austin, Pizza Hut director of HR and Marketing.
world emoji day pizza hut
3.) Twitter Reveals Most Used Emoji Around the World
To recognize the digital holiday, Twitter released some data showing which emojis are used most around the world. The most tweeted emoji in the U.S., Britain, and Canada over the past year was the extremely upset face. Places like Argentina and Brazil favored the music note emoji. Twitter did say that the emoji trends tend to change every year. I wonder what next year’s will be?
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Who would have thought these little cartoons would one day make the impact that they have. If you are still unsure when and when not to use an emoji, or if you are confused on if the emoji is praying hands or high-fiving hands, then call Social Media Delivered today!