Update: What Multi-Photo Posts Mean for Instagram

By Josh Lawson | @JoshKLawson

Once again, Instagram has completely changed themselves to fit the constantly updating world around them. They began with the simple concept of posting single square images to a platform, and others began to do the same. Instagram is always changing with the times. First with the expanded ratio for images, then stories, and now this. They are slowly gathering aspects of other social media platforms and integrating them into their own.

The wait is finally over. Instagram worked out most of the issues to bring multi-photo posts to each of the operating systems it can run on. Users can choose up to 10 photos or videos, apply one overall filter or individual apply them to each image, and even choose the order they want the posts to appear in the carousels. These posts can only have one caption and one location, but for now the content in the carousel needs to stay in the square format the app was previously known for. 

Users can still post content in the same format they were using before the update. Single photos will soon be a thing of the past. To create an album, simply begin the “posting” process like you normally would, but instead of just tapping the image you want to post tap the album-like icon in the bottom right of the preview window and choose the photos you want to combine into a single post. This allows users to tell more of a story in what they post online. They no longer have to encapsulate everything into a single image. Instead, they can enjoy moments more naturally and take pictures where they see fit, and post them all at the end of their endeavor. 

Looking for what to make an album about, what to post on Instagram, or even how to post?  GIve us a call at (469) 248-0616 or find us on Instagram and Twitter at @SocialMediaDel.

Levi Sauerbrei