How to Write a Blog Post People Will Read

There are thousands, even millions, of blogs across the internet. Whether it's sharing personal news or businesses updating their customers, many website articles get posted all the time. That can make it hard for you to reach your target audience. When putting effort into writing and publishing posts, it can be disheartening if hardly anyone sees your hard work. Here are some tips on how to publish content that will get viewed.


1. Who is your target audience?

When creating any pieces of content, it's helpful to know who you are doing it for. You need to know who you are writing your blog posts for, identifying your target audience. If you are writing a personal blog, your readers could be people like you with similar experiences who will relate to your content. If you are a business, you should already have your customer identified.

Whether your target audience prefers formal or informal writing, listicles, or long-form articles, the inclusion of emojis or references will all affect your blog writing. Work out what your target audience wants to read and write it.

2. Structure

Most people don't spend a long time on each web page they visit, so you need to quickly capture your reader's attention and get your point across fast. Short paragraphs and frequent headings is a great structure for posting online. It's why listicles are so popular. It's clear what your audience will be reading about in the title, and the list's bullet points clearly show the key content. Text that is easy to skim is ideal. It allows users to quickly assess whether they are interested in your blog post or not.

3. Consistency

Unfortunately, most of us don't publish one article online and go viral. Instead, posting regularly and keeping your site up to date will build loyal readers and visitors to your site. No one wants to click a site to find that it hasn't been posted on for six months, and the information is out of date. That will not encourage your readers to engage with you and keep coming back.

Creating a posting schedule can help you, as you try to keep on top of writing new posts, and your audience, so they know what to expect from you and when. If a reader knows that you will be posting about a specific topic weekly, they will be encouraged to follow your blog for more content.

Writing consistently also involves the topics you are covering. To build a loyal following who will regularly come back and read your posts, you need to create a brand. Your brand will be something your target audience is interested in and wants to see more of. For example, if you write about make-up, make-up users will follow your blog. If you suddenly started writing about gaming, your regular readers will be discouraged from reading your future posts as it might not be something they are interested in.

4. Optimization

To get your blog post in front of your target audience, you need to consider search engine optimization (SEO). This means appealing to the Google algorithm, so you are ranked highly in search results. If someone searches for a phrase that you discuss in a blog post, you want to show up in the results. The basics of appealing to the algorithm are to show Google that you are relevant, and your website is of high quality. Think about what your audience will type into Google when searching for the content on your blog. These are your keywords for that post. You should include them regularly throughout the text, especially in the heading and subheadings.

Browsing your website should be a smooth experience. It shouldn't take a long time to load or be confusing to navigate. The Google algorithm is getting an update in 2021. This read from iNET VENTURES will help you to find out more and make sure your website is always optimized.

5. Promotion

Search engines aren't the only way that people can find your website. Sharing your post on social media or sending the link to friends who you think will enjoy it is good promotion for your webpage. If people like it, they will share it and boost your number of visitors. It is hard to build an online presence that will attract loyal readers if you are only present on one platform. List where else visitors can find you other than your website. Then you can notify people who have already liked your content when you post again.

There are lots of different elements to creating a blog post that people will read. You should consider the content of the post, how it is written, the structure, optimizing your website, and sharing your post on other platforms. With commitment, you can create a very readable website.

Written by  James Allsopp

Michael Magnus