5 Best Restaurant Brands to Follow on Twitter
B2C, Blog, business, Social Media, Twittersmd tstAds, Brand, business, online responses, publicity, restaurants, Social Media
Google+ Ads
advertising, B2B, B2C, business, Content Marketing, Google Plus, Google+, Guest Blog, marketing, Social Media, Social NetworkingMalloryAds, Advertising, b2c, business, Google, google plus, Google+ Ads, Social Media
Social Media News: Oct 25th
Blog, Communication, Facebook, Forbes, Instagram, LinkedIn, Mashable, Pinterest, Social Media News, Twittersmd tstAds, viral
Social Media News: May 24th
Super Bowl Sunday: The Social Media Edition
B2C, Blog, Communication, Event, International, Social Mediasmd tst49ers, Ads, Advertising, Baltimore, Beyonce, Budweiser, Clydesdale, Coca-Cola, Coke, Collage, Commercials, Consumer, Creative, Crowdsourcing, customer, doritos, Facebook, French Quarter, Halftime, hashtag, instagram, Interaction, Jimmy Fallon, Kate Upton, Kia, Lincoln, marketing, Mercedes-Benz, message, New Orleans, nfl, NOLA, Peter Daboll, photo sharing, photos, Pizza Hut, Ravens, San Fransisco, SB, Super Bowl Sunday, Super Bowl Week, Television, Tourism, Twitter, videos, Visitors, Volkswagen, YouTube