The Coronavirus Pandemic Is Driving Huge Growth in Remote Freelance Work

To all those who have been working remotely for the past few weeks, let me ask you a question. Would you be happy to go back to your office, or would you prefer working from home even after the pandemic is over?

I ask this question because, currently, the future of telework is the hottest topic amongst freelancers globally. Since work from home is the new norm, we want to know whether this trend will favor freelancers or ruin their business? 

This article will explore the growing preference for remote work, which can revolutionize the work environment post-pandemic. Experts argue that for technology-based industries, remote work could have a long-term impact. 

Software developers, social media marketers, social media managers, digital experts, content creators, and others who hold jobs that can be performed online can expect telework to continue after the Coronavirus has been controlled. 

Read on to find out more!

Remote Jobs and COVID-19 - How It All Started

COVID-19 is bringing unprecedented changes to the world, not just in terms of how the world has come to a standstill but in other aspects too. One of these aspects is the culture of remote work that is now blooming more than ever. The future of remote work is now one of the most discussed topics, courtesy of Coronavirus. It has sparked a shift towards online platforms. 

Even before the Coronavirus, remote jobs were increasing rapidly because of its advantages, including higher productivity, excellent job satisfaction, and lower operational costs. Besides, who does not want to recruit the perfect employee without being restricted by geographical boundaries? 

With COVID-19, the trend toward remote work has increased even more. Coronavirus has forced organizations and leaders to a quick transition to a new style of working, which was slowly becoming the new normal anyway. 


According to different sources, data shows a new hike in work from home jobs and freelance tasks. Office-based jobs now look like a thing of the past. 

Take a look at the stats, for example. According to stats by FlexJobs, there has been a 159% increase in remote work between the years 2005 to 2017. If we talk about the United States, more than 3.4% of the population was working remotely before Coronavirus struck. According to the projects, by the end of 2020, about 75% of professionals will be working remotely. 

Why is Remote Work Growing? 

If you are wondering why the numbers are increasing rapidly, we will walk you through some of the biggest reasons. Even if you are not planning to join the remote work community, you might want to change your mind after reading these. So, without any further ado, let's get started!

1. The Only Way To Work While Being Safe 

Remote work is the only way businesses can remain operational while ensuring their employees do not catch the virus. Stay at home guidelines have been issued to decrease the spread of the virus; remote working makes them possible. 

Although some organizations are disinfecting their premises, maintaining 6-feet distance, and asking their employees to practice the recommended cleanliness protocols, there is still a chance that employees might get infected. Remote work is the only sure-shot safety option. 

2. Companies Are Most Comfortable Hiring Remote Employees 

Because of COVID ā€“ 19, all organizations are forced to transform their way of work and are adapting to the new normal. Companies are now quickly shifting to remote freelance work and looking for options to incorporate them into their current processes. Hiring remote workers seems like a safe option. Organizations can hire from a pool of talented freelancers for a short duration. 

3. A Way to Make Money

As the crisis is deepening, freelance work is accelerating; one of the reasons being job security. Organizations are facing a downfall in business and may not be able to sustain very long. Some of the biggest companies are now in the news for the lay-offs of employees. This uncertainty has now forced people to look for freelance work even if as passive income. 

4. Flexible Timing

Telework existed before the pandemic affected the businesses, but it has been made more popular by it. Flexible timings are one of the main reasons to drive the trend towards telecommuting. While it was more of a freelancer thing back then, now large companies are embracing this idea. Companies are currently focused on providing their employees with flexible timings to do things their way from home. This allows the employees to be more productive, more efficient, and more creative. 

5. Improves Work-Life Balance

One of the biggest struggles with full-time jobs is the challenge of maintaining a healthy work-life balance. Office workers often experience burnout because they are unable to keep their work and personal life in balance. This situation gives rise to work-life conflict. 

This is where remote work comes in - you can always negotiate with your manager and create a schedule that helps you work productively at work and does not affect your personal life. It is also essential for freelancers to define how and when can their co-workers, manager, and clients reach them for work. 

6. Commute Time Is Spent On Working Now

On average, people spend more than $3000 on commute per year. With remote work, this money stays in their pockets, and they are less tempted to switch jobs. As freelancers hardly have to leave their homes for work, it also helps with their personal health. Not just that, with fewer vehicles on the road, you could be also be helping the environment. Furthermore, this also enables you to get rid of any stress you may have because of long commuting distances. 

7. Increased Productivity

This one may be surprising to you because it isn't walking to your colleague easier than scheduling a video call or isn't bringing everyone in the meeting room easier than planning a virtual meeting in advance. So, then how does remote work increase productivity? The answer is fewer distractions. Remotely, people have complete control of their environment and tend to work faster rather than a room full of people.

Companies have also learned that freelancers can be easily integrated into their already distributed teams to increase their productivity. Data also shows that people are most comfortable working from their homes than coworking spaces, coffee shops, libraries, etc. 

In the long term, this crisis will shift how businesses operate in general and how remote work impacts the work productivity. Once the pandemic is behind us, it will also lead to a digital transformation and more agile workplaces. 

8. Saving Costs

Organizations are now leveraging independent skills as a potential strategy to get their work done as it also saves the cost of a full-time employee. Moreover, it costs around 3000 dollars to hire one employee. Furthermore, employees leave work because of a lack of autonomy. Hence, the cost of hiring, along with the loss of turnover, forces organizations to spend hundreds of dollars every year. Remote works eliminate this unnecessary cost; remote work not only saves the company money by hiring a remote worker for less money than a full-time employee, but it also decreases the chances of turnover. 

If we talk about how the cost savings from the employer, they no longer need to rent out an office, even big companies like WordPress have now adopted a 100% remote work model after recognizing this cost-saving tactic. Besides overhead costs, it also saves electricity consumption. 

9. Adjusting To A New Communications Method

Some industries are not proactive; they are often the last to adopt change and new technology. The pandemic has forced even these laggards to embrace remote work within a short period. Industries like education, retail, manufacturing, and supply chain are now forced to adopt remote working because they don't have a choice. 

Now that the teams have shifted to new modes of communication, it has redefined the existing norms. Some people may argue the opposite, but employers are far more in touch with their teams than ever. 

Freelance Marketplace Options for those who are starting in COVID-19

There are many choices for anyone who wants to start freelancing during COVID-19, but not every website is worth it. These platforms will connect you with the right people:

1. Fiverr

Fiverr is one of the most popular freelance websites out there and for a reason. It is the perfect kick start for anyone who wants to begin their career as a freelancer. It provides a free space for freelancers to showcase their unique skills such as content marketing, digital marketing services, coding, designing a logo, and much more. 

Fiverr has now exploded as one of the most premium sources of freelance services. The platform allows businesses to discover talented freelancers by connecting the two on their platform. What makes it better than other platforms is total transparency. Anyone can access the freelancer's complete profile and see their reviews to see if they are the right fit for their work. 

2. Upwork

Upwork is also one of the most reputable freelance websites in the world. It is a popular choice for programmers, coders, and designers. The marketplace lists more than 3 million jobs a year and has over 5 million clients as well. 

To get started with Upwork, all you have to do is create a profile, list your skills, and wait for a client to give you work. You can apply for multiple roles here that match your qualifications. 

3. PeoplePerHour

Location-based targeting is what sets PeoplePerHour apart from other freelance websites. It allows people to hire someone from their country or city for their specific requirements. It is pretty famous for web-based services and will enable freelancers to create a good side income for themselves. 

Tips for Working Remotely

If you are just starting freelancing and facing the struggle of being productive during freelance work, these tips will help you make your transition to remote work smooth and help you out:

1. Create A Dedicated Office

Well, guess the best place to work at home? Certainly not your bed. You have to pick up a nice spot to work at home - preferably one with fewer distractions. Secondly, being cozy at home may seem enjoyable, but it affects how you work. A study says if you are dressed up to work, it's easier to work because you are in the right frame of mind. Make a clear distinction between your relax and work mode, even if you are working from home. 

2. Work-Life Balance

We have talked about this above as well that how crucial it is to have a work-life balance. It is tempting to incorporate your personal life with work but does not work great in reality. To keep your private life healthy and work-life productive, you need to set out work timings and only work at that time. Set boundaries for yourself, even at home. 


3. Avoid Distractions

You may not realize it initially, but any background sounds play as a distracting role when you are trying to work. Be it Netflix or some music, they may feel wonderful but affect how you work negatively. Moreover, you should also avoid any visuals playing in the room where you are working.

4. Eat Healthy

It is easier to munch on unhealthy food when working from home, and food is within your reach all the time. But you have to realize that to fight Coronavirus, you need to build your immunity. So it is important to avoid junk food and fill your work desk with healthy options such as fruits, whole grains, vegetables, etc. 

Is Remote Work Sustainable?

Remote work amid COVID-19 may seem like a game-changer, but the question is, will it sustain? The shift in employment may seem like a dream for many, but it is tricky. It may look simple, but every trend needs a firm foundation, strong communication, and the right investment. Lack of trust is also one of the reasons organizations hesitate to adopt a remote work model fully.  

The fact that every business is now shifting to telework has had an enormous impact so far. Companies are currently developing new processes that are helping freelancers and remote works in light of the current crisis. COVID-19 is also a golden opportunity for freelancers around the world, not just to earn extra bucks but to create a new way of living. 

We hope this helps all of us achieve a better work-life balance and work more efficiently. Have you tried working as a freelancer? Let us know how you think Coronavirus has impacted your work in the comments section! 

Arslan Hassan is an electrical engineer with a passion for writing, designing, and anything tech-related. His educational background in the technical field has given him the edge to write on many topics. He occasionally writes blog articles for Dynamologic Solutions, A software house in Pakistan

Michael Magnus