5 Internet Trends We're Glad We Are Over
By: Peyton Thompson | @Peytonxthompson
Every year, millions of crazy things permeate the internet - and every once in a while, one takes off. And when I say takes off, I don’t mean it lightly. I’m saying you can’t go on Facebook, Twitter or Instagram without seeing a post related to these trends. These are the types of trends you just can’t escape NO MATTER HOW HARD YOU TRY. Eventually, they die out, and something new becomes the main focus. But in the moment, there is no way to avoid them. (Unless you stay off of social media completely, but who are we kidding right?) Now - I'm sorry you have to relive these - but let me introduce you to five trends we’re so glad that are gone.
1. Planking.
Internet Trends
Planking is just as ridiculous as it looks, and just as simple. All you need is your body and a flat surface. What started out as a harmless trend soon became very dangerous. Instead of planking in easy-to-reach spots, like the kitchen table or your desk at work, people began to take this trend to a whole other level. People have planked on top of McDonald’s signs, over ledges on very tall buildings, and in the middle of the road. Planking became so dangerous that some people have actually died while planking. After this incident, planking has died down and people have stopped risking their lives for a good planking pic.
2. Steve Harvey's Classic Fail.
Internet Trends
Steve Harvey. When I say the name, I’m sure the same thing comes to all of your heads. The time he announced the winner of the Miss Universe pageant wrong - not right - wrong. Yes, this was shocking event for all of us, and yes, it did deserve to be discussed, but not to the extent it was. After the tragic mistake, Twitter was flooded with memes of Steve Harvey. “Happy Friday” followed by “Wait sorry it’s Monday.” These were funny for a while, but the Internet has a habit of making funny things old, really fast. While writing this, I’ve actually come to terms that if you find something funny, don’t put it on the Internet. It won’t be funny anymore.
3. "Damn Daniel!"
Internet Trends
Damn Daniel is a Vine that took over the Internet. A Vine that was so popular, it landed Daniel himself on the Ellen show to talk about just exactly what spurred this Vine in the first place. Anytime you’d open Vine, it became impossible to scroll down your feed longer than 30 seconds without hearing “Damn Daniel! Back at it again with the white Vans.” The Vine was funny at first, but things definitely got old. (Especially when it’s all anyone is talking about.) Daniel’s Vine has finally died down, and he has gone back to living a normal life, but he will alway be known as the “kid with the white Vans.”
In case you somehow missed this Vine, you can view it here.
4. Kylie Lip Challenge.
Internet Trends
When you look at this picture, you kind of wonder why this was even an Internet trend to begin with. But I promise you - it was. This trend was all spurred by the “famous” Kylie Jenner. Whether or not her lips are real, girls all around the world were completing the challenge to get the full "Kylie lips". This challenge doesn’t look fun. It looks PAINFUL. People didn't realize this at first, but this challenge can actually cause injuries. After the swelling and injury of lips, we’ve all learned this trend should be left in the past.
5. Saying “YOLO.”
Internet Trends
In 2011, Drake released “The Motto”: a popular song on his album ‘Take Care.’ In the song, Drake constantly rapped “you only live once” and occasionally abbreviated it with the phrase “YOLO.” Five years later in 2016, the phrase hasn’t COMPLETELY died down but we’re lucky it’s not on the end of every tweet anymore. People began using this phrase after every action they did. “Taking my dog on a walk #YOLO” “Going to the grocery store #YOLO.” The phrase began to be used an endless amount of times a day. What’s so wild about daily activities like the grocery store and walking your dog? Nothing! As a society we’ve finally caught on that YOLO should not be used in 2016.
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