Why Intern at Social Media Delivered?
Looking for an internship? Look no further than to us at Social Media Delivered. An internship with us is a unique and rewarding experience for anyone looking for training in a highly sought after skill. Let SMD be your guide as you journey into the world of social media, and give us a chance to explain why our internships are the best choice to prepare you for your future career. Hands-on Experience: At SMD, you won’t be the one getting the coffee. Instead you will be gaining experience and knowledge in social media marketing, researching, writing, editing, proofreading and blogging. Working alongside your teammates will give you skills in project management, team building and leadership. As an intern at SMD, you can develop numerous abilities that can add to your job portfolio and make it unique … and who doesn’t love a good resume booster?
Hour Flexibility: Every intern has to complete 240 hours with a minimum of 20 hours a week. However, you get to set your schedule (within reason) for your convenience. At the end of your time with SMD, you’ll walk away with unique experiences, training and, if applicable, a recommendation and/or class credit. If you are not a Dallas local, talk to us about a virtual internship. SMD wants to help you balance your time and is willing to work with you to create a successful internship.
Free Social Media Business Equation Certification: When you successfully complete your hours and training, you will receive an opportunity for a free Social Media Business Equation Certification (TSMBE). Preparation for the TSMBE certification costs $2500 and includes 8 days of classes, but as an SMD intern, you get it for free after your completion of your time with us. This certification is extremely helpful for interns considering a career in social media.
Pie Fight: Yes, you read that correctly. We have an annual pie fight … NBD … https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1dKkvE4VJqA
Have any questions, comments or concerns about an internship with us? Contact Ruth Ferguson at ruth@socialmediadelivered.com.s209167.gridserver.com. When applying for an internship, please send in your cover letter, resume/online portfolio, and any social network links, if available. Hope to see you as part of the Social Media Delivered team soon!