Social Media Spoiler Shield

Kelli Shoevlin | @kshoevlin Let's face it. We're all busy. We might not have enough time to watch our favorite TV show when it airs, but we definitely don't want social media to give anything away! Have you ever been the victim of spoilers on social media? Do you boycott social media because you JUST KNOW that if you log in you will see a spoiler? What if you were able to control what you saw on your newsfeed? Well stop wondering, because luckily, there's an app for that!

spoilersSocial media has given our society a great platform for finding out information efficiently, but does it sometimes cross the line? Spoiler Shield is the #1 app for blocking TV show, celebrity, and sports spoilers in your Facebook and Twitter feed. This free app is available for iOS, Android, Kindle and Google Chrome users. You can choose from over 50 TV shows and any major sporting event. It is easy to install and has a user-friendly interface! Once you download this app, you can simply check off any shows or sporting events you do not want shown on your social media news feed.

But let's say you are out of town and want to know what happened on your favorite TV show. Simply double tap the TV show and the shield will disappear revealing spoilers on your newsfeed. This app will make the phrase “spoiler alert” a thing of the past. According to Variety, “Shield provides ‘cultural necessity’ by blocking series and sports updates.”

Don't let social media spoil your favorite TV show or sports game anymore!



Will Nesbit