Move over Amazon, Twitter Makes Move Into E-Commerce

Vanessa Suarez | @VanessaSuarez__ Twitter could possibly be the next up-and-coming e-commerce platform. It’s rumored that Twitter will soon extend its virtual hand out to businesses and brands by launching Twitter Commerce. The new feature will allow Twitter’s 232 million users to purchase items directly from a tweet.

In 2013, Twitter announced a partnership with American Express to offer a tweet-to-pay feature where users could tweet or use hashtags to pay for an item after syncing their credit card, according to Digital Trends. This year, Twitter has teamed up with Fancy, an online commerce site, to include a buying feature within tweets, according to Re/code. Although still unconfirmed by Twitter, some critics are welcoming Twitter’s potential evolution into the world of e-commerce.

Leaked documents revealed possible mock-ups of what a Twitter Commerce user flow will look like.

twitter flow

Twitter Commerce tweets will appear in users’ streams and within the "Discover" section. Users will be able to open tweets and select the “Buy with Fancy” option. Users will then be prompted to enter personal and credit card information. After purchasing an item, shipping status and updates can be received by the purchaser.

What will this revolutionary integration between social media and e-commerce mean for businesses? Although no guidelines have been released about the feature, businesses will be able extend easy and efficient buying options to consumers. Twitter Commerce will eliminate the need for links and click-through options, making the buying process that much easier and appealing to consumers.


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