Case Study: Wayfair Generates 5x Increases in Sales

by Jennifer Jenkins | @jnjenks


Established in 2002, is the leading online-only retailer of home goods, driving $500+ Million in e-commerce annually.

Business Need

Looking for an easier way to manage promotions for the home decor company and create a better user experience for their consumers and audience. Other goals included increasing website traffic and sales and generating viral impressions to achieve higher returns on interest, or ROI. Wayfair also turned to technology company, Piqora, to support in their social marketing endeavors.

Social Media Solution

Wayfair utilized and designed a Pinterest campaign where promotion participants would curate and personalize their own board about their ideal “Turkey Day Table” by repinning 5 or more pins from the Wayfair Thanksgiving Pinterest boards at

 Business Result

Wayfair’s “Turkey Day Table Pinterest” promotion generated a 5x increase in sales, along with web traffic increase by 60% and page view increases of 89% that spoke of tangible social ROI during the weeks of the promotion and continued to increase in the following weeks.

To learn more about how Wayfair Thanksgiving promo resulted in serious social ROI, visit Piqora's page here.
