Today’s Guest on Social Media for the CEO is.. Doug Seegers from Rotary International
Join us this morning at 10am CT/11am ET when ‘Social Media for the CEO’ radio show hosts Eve and Mary will interview Doug Seegers, District Governor for Rotary International-Monroe. Mary, Eve and Doug will discuss the ever changing social media landscape, how and why its imperative for organizations to grow a strong, proactive community and why today business more than ever is about building relationships to grow ROI.
Doug's Bio:
A native of Monroe, Louisiana; Doug graduated from Neville High School in 1979 and in 1984 received his Bachelor of Business Administration in Management from The University of Louisiana at Monroe, formerly Northeast Louisiana University. Doug has had a varied career in business management, having served several different organizations in managerial positions and also owning his own small business. Currently Doug is Director of Parks, Recreation & Special Events for the City of West Monroe.
Standing proudly with his father, Doug joined Rotary in 1990 as a fourth generation Rotarian. He has served the Rotary Club of Monroe in many positions including serving as President in 2003 - 2004. In addition to his own club’s activities, Doug has served Rotary District 6190 as World Community Service Chair, Family of Rotary Chair, Group Study Exchange Chair, and on the District Governor Nominating Committee as well as on numerous Group Study Exchange Committees. In 1999 Doug was the Team Leader for the district’s Group Study Exchange Team to District 1040 in Yorkshire England. Since 1990, Doug and his family have hosted G.S.E. teams from Norway, India, England, Scotland, Japan, Germany, France, Australia, Brazil, Turkey, Belgium, Thailand and New Zealand. He is also currently serving as Vice-Chair of Food and Beverage for the 2011 Rotary International Convention in New Orleans.
Doug is the recipient of The Rotary Foundation Citation for Meritorious Service, The Rotary Foundation District Service Award, as well as the Rotary International Four Avenues of Service Citation. He and his wife Gloria, both Paul Harris Fellows are the proud parents of 4 children, Lauren Seegers Erwin, also a Paul Harris Fellow; Charles S. (Trey) Moore, III; Laura E. Moore; and Bougher E. Moore.
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