There's a bizarre web pandemic going on... and it's not related to Volcanic Ash

What could be more strange than a cloud of volcanic ash covering Northern Europe and shutting down society for days?  In the coming days and months, Sons of the Brotherhood will be taking over social media one platform at a time with unrelenting force.  The web series is only the beginning, curious to find out what happens next? The SOB series is the most bizarre thing we have seen yet by a professional group of Dallas actors.  They are using Twitter to spread the word. Follow for some of the strangest tweets and videos you will see on the web and let us know what you think about it.

Viral videos are among us and moving in even closer.  Video is one of the most powerful social media forces. Do you realize video is searchable by Google?  Facebook may be the #1 most searched site but Google is #2, and YouTube is #3 (plus Google owns YouTube). Put that in your cap and think about it. While you’re doing that, check out one of these zany webisodes.

Witness the series.  Be Amazed.  Become a Follower. //

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