SMD Team Member Spotlight: Mary Gutierrez
We are thrilled to introduce you to our newest team member, Mary Gutierrez! Mary started her internship with us in October 2013 and joined us as a part-time member at the beginning of April.
She is currently studying journalism with a concentration in advertising and graphic design at the University of North Texas. Mary plans to graduate in May of 2015. On campus she is an active member of the UNT Ad Club, the National Communication Association, and Lambda Pi Eta.
When she isn’t busy with school or work, Mary enjoys spending time with friends and family and working towards her goal of becoming a copywriter.
Although originally from San Antonio, Mary is quite the world traveler having seen the sights in Italy, Belize, Honduras, the Cayman Islands and the Virgin Islands.
We love having someone has talented as Mary on our team! How did we get so lucky? :-)