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Fame and Fortune within Six Seconds

Alyssa Evans | @lyssevans

How are major companies connecting to the commoners of our world? They are being just like us! The new craze for corporations is to use Vine to reach a broader audience. These companies use creative minds ,that act as normal people, to make Vines bringing together a product and its consumer.

Vines are a six-second long videos that are posted on a form of social media. Making vines is very popular with young teenagers. Companies are using popular Vinersto help solicit their product.

According to young teens, their are certain people that are considered Vine famous. These people have an ample amount of followers in Vine. Some of these people have more followers than Justin Bieber and Miley Cyrus.

Coca-Cola is one of the companies willing to pay these famous Viners to help get their product shown to a larger audience. These companies go to the Viners in order to reach an audience that they cannot get on their own. These young teens think by seeing a product in a popular Vine that they are more compelled to buy the product. Major companies thrive on getting their product to as many people as possible.

This type of promotion is not only positively affecting the companies, the Viners themselves are making a good amount of money for a six-second video. According to Rob Fishman, the co-founder of Niche, an ad on Vine can be worth anything around $20,0000 to $50,000.

Overall, the attraction of Vines between companies and young teens is proving profitable. Major businesses are finding a way to reach an even larger audience and within only a few seconds of their time. Whats the best part about it? The Viners are just everyday people that are doing what they love while entertaining and soliciting.