How Employers are Considering Social Media Screening for Hiring Candidates
Just what exactly are hiring managers looking for while digging around Facebook and LinkedIn? Many want to find that the candidate has great communication skills, creativity, well-roundedness, professionalism, etc. Also, they’re looking to see if the candidate is mentioned by others in a positive way to serve as a reference.
Somethings that could land a resume in the recycle bin may reflect that the candidate isn’t doing everything right on their personal social media profiles. Things like too many provocative or inappropriate photographs, content about them drinking or using drugs, bad-mouthing previous employer, co-workers or clients, showing poor communication skills, discriminatory comments, etc. are all no-no’s. Many forget that people are watching you, whether you want them to or not. After all, a majority of social media content is public information.
We found a great infographic from Mindflash to illustrate how hiring managers screen candidates through social media.