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Top 20 Healthy Habits Twitter Profiles from @socialmediadel

by: Julie Lamb| @juliedlamb 2012 is up and running, and most likely many of you made a new years resolution to lose weight, eat healthier, or workout more often. To help you stay on the right course for achieving your goals, here are some of our top picks for nutrition and fitness accounts on Twitter.


Gloria Tsang, RD - @HealthCastleGlo Founding Editor of Dietitian & book author @GoUnDiet. HuffPost Top 20 Nutrition Expert. Life changed when dad had cancer. #GoUnDietmoderator.

One of many Registered Dietitians you will find on this list, this account has a little bit of everything you need to know about food: a Nutrition Tidbits Daily, some healthy recipes, videos (such as how to de-seed a pomegranate), and articles like snacking smart at work.

Dina Lindquist, RD - @NutritiousFeast I'm a Registered Dietitian who provides quick, simple tips about general nutrition, healthy food products and nutritious recipes.

The best part of this account is that she provides links to interesting articles of the latest nutrition and food news from a wide variety of sources.

Debi Silber - @themojocoach Health/fitness/lifestyle/personal energy expert,spokesperson,speaker,author & THE secret behind some of the healthiest,most dynamic&successful people today.

Shh…This account is all about helping you find your mojo. From the holiday Mojo Series featuring videos such as “How to get through the holiday stress” to inspirational quotes and thought-provoking questions, this is the account to follow if you need some health and wellness motivation.

Stephanie Quilao - @skinnyjeans Healthiness Instigator, Runner, iPhone food photographer. Tweets healthy living, food, mobile health & apps, personal growth, social good. Loves Yoda!

Focusing on small, manageable goals such as remembering to stay hydrated or choosing a banana over a cookie for a snack, this account is a great reminder that all of your #tinyactions matter when trying to reach your health and fitness goals.

Joyce Schneider - @JoyceSchneider1 Half of the Cook & the Cardiologist team, passionate about health, weight loss & finding a cure for diabetes.

This account has great articles about important concepts such as heart disease, diabetes, and the real way to speed up your metabolism. It also has lots of unusual recipes like substiuting protein powder for flour to make a chocolate cake.

Health Magazine - @goodhealth Health Magazine and inspire you to live better and look and feel your best.

Just like their print publication, Health Magazine’s Twitter account is very comprehensive and cover all aspects of health from 5 min workouts, #recipeoftheday, and even tips for dealing with depression. - @womenshealth The Office on Women's Health is part of the U.S. Dept. of Health and Human Services

Not only is it a good idea to keep tabs on what the Federal government is saying about health these days, the account is also very helpful. It provides information about finding a doctor, RTs other government initiative sites like @myplate and @fruits_veggies, and has a great summary or provocotive question about the articles it links to that really makes you really interested in reading them.

Men’s Health Mag - @menshealthmag Men's Health magazine is your ultimate guide to fitness, health, weight loss, nutrition, sex, style and guy wisdom.

Similar to Health Magazine’s Twitter profile, but important since there are not many accounts that focus strictly on nutrition, health, and fitness for MEN.

FoodFun - @FoodFun Educational Games That Let You Play w/ Your Food. We teach children the importance of healthy eating & living, supporting the fight against childhood obesity.

Healthy foods and lifestyles are just as important for kids as it is for their parents. Full of creative ideas about how to get children and teens interested in making healthy choices and articles detailing the latest news on causes and solutions for childhood obesity, this is a great resources for any family member.

Dr. Mehmet Oz - @DrOz I'm a cardiac surgeon, author and Daytime Emmy-winning host of The Dr. Oz Show.

As entertaining as he is on TV, Dr. Oz also provides information about upcoming health twitter chats and health-related programs to watch on TV.

Angie Fit - @angiefit4040 Personal Trainer and Pilates Instructor, Fitness Model in Dallas ready to help you get healthier

Interactive questions, helpful tips, inspirational quotes, and a sense of humor: what more could you ask for?

Keri  Gans - @kerigans I am a Registered Dietitian, Author of The Small Change Diet & Media Spokesperson in NYC who loves healthy foods, dining out, trendy fashions & yoga !!

This account is packed with helpful and powerful tweets, most of which don’t even need to include links to be effective.

Mitzi Dulan - @nutritionexpert Nutrition & fitness expert, coauthor of The All-Pro Diet, blogger, mom, appears on CNN, FOX News, ABC, NBC, CBS. Columnist for 435 South Mag. Bootcamp Owner

Mitzi often tweets what she eats, which is helpful to see the choices a nutrition expert actually makes. Also, she knows how to create memorable and motivating hashtags such as #inwithMitzi and #WinFromWithin.

Sala Kannan - @veggiebelly Vegetarian & vegan blogger. Food photographer. My blog has hundreds of recipes - everything from easy to exotic. Traveled over 30 countries in 6 continents.

This is a fabulous account to follow if you are vegan, vegetarian, or simply interested in reducing your meat intake for health reasons. Sala tweets consistantly and expertly, even when traveling in other countries, and the food pictures on her recipe blog are abosolutely stunning and will inspire even the biggest meat-lover to try some vegetarian dishes.

Kathy Patalsky - @lunchboxbunch Kathy Patalsky, HHL has vegan recipes, food photography, trends & healthy inspiration from me to YOU! ..Also see my latest site: @FindingVegan

Kathy has a colorful and vibrant blog with tweets to match.

Carlo Celotti - @carlocelotti Total Performance Fitness Consultants - Holistic Exercise, Nutrition and Lifestyle Coaching,

This account includes wonderful quotes about life and happiness along with brief but effective fitness and nutrition tips.

Mark Dilworth - @myfitnesshut Fitness Writer and Trainer. Check out Top Fat Loss and Weight Loss Experts at Your Fitness University!

If you are looking for some new exercise and workout ideas, look no further. As a bonus, this account also provides information on general health and wellness.

Amie Hoff - @amiehofffitness Fitness Consultant?Spokesperson?Media Contributor?Author?Co-Founder of - Total Fitness in a Kit?Loves Inspiring & Empowering others

This account links to many fitness tips, especially for runners and traithaloners, along with general health news.

Shelley Case, RD - @shelleycase International celiac and gluten-free nutrition expert. Author of national best seller Gluten-Free Diet: A Comprehensive Resource Guide.

Being on certain diets is not a choice for many people, and more and more people seem to be figuring out that they need to cut gluten out of their diet. Whether you have Celiac Disease or gluten intolerance, here is an expert who has useful information for following a gluten-free diet.

Lexies Kitchen - @lexieskitchen Food blogger, wife and mom of two spending her days modifying recipes for modified diets.

Most tweets link to her eye-catching blog that has beautiful pictures and delicious yet allergy-friendly recipes. If you or a family member have multiple food allergies, this account will help take away the frustrations of not knowing what to cook or eat.